
Great: Kaine Encourages Crowd to Applaud Kasich's RNC Absence

We perhaps knew this was coming. At the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine used the GOP's own hesitations of Donald Trump to prove he's unfit to lead.

“Any party that would nominate Donald Trump as president has moved too far away from the party of Lincoln,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) said at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night. “If you’re looking for that party,” he continued, “look no further” than the Democrats.

Kaine officially accepted his party’s vice presidential nomination on Wednesday and attempted to create a much-needed sense of unity in the Democratic Party. He acknowledged the Bernie Sanders supporters and urged them to come to the Clinton camp so they can defeat Trump in November.

“We all should feel the Bern and we all should not want to get burned by the other guy,” he said, trying to quiet them down.

Kaine threw some shade at Donald Trump several times throughout his speech, starting when he told the crowd that his son Nat deployed with his Marine battalion two days ago.

His son left "to protect & defend the very NATO allies that Trump now says he would abandon.”

Kaine said Clinton has a passion for the causes she fights for. As for Trump, he has a passion “for himself,” Kaine said.

The Virginia senator offered his best impression of Trump, mocking the GOP nominee’s famous phrase, “Believe Me.” Trump’s creditors, his “ripped off students” and more all got hurt by “believing” Trump, Kaine insisted.

Even Republicans have proven they don't trust Trump, he continued. Namely, he reminded voters how Barbara Bush said she doesn't know how women can vote for him after the remarks he's made about them. As for Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who had the honor of hosting the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week, "didn't even show up" because "Trump is such a moral disaster."

Kaine really hammered home the trust issue, perhaps knowing what a handicap it’s been for Clinton this campaign. He tried to assure voters by telling them he believes Clinton is the commander in chief we need.

“I trust Hillary Clinton with our son’s life,” he said.