
This Tweet From DWS Mocking Reince Priebus Is Pretty Awkward Now

On Sunday, the eve of the Democratic National Convention, Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement saying that she would step down from her position following the conclusion of the convention. Earlier in the day, it was confirmed that she would no longer chair the convention. Her resignation comes after WikiLeaks leaked 20,000 emails showing that the DNC was essentially in the tank for Hillary Clinton the entire primary.

This, of course, makes this smug, in-your-face tweet from Wasserman Schultz last week during the RNC absolutely hilarious:

Perhaps the Dems should look into flying Reince out to Philadelphia to help smooth things over? After all, he managed to make it through his convention without being forced to step down.

The Democratic National Convention begins on Monday and continues through Thursday.