
Michael Moore Thinks Donald Trump Will Win

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore thinks that Donald Trump could very well win the election this fall. Moore thinks that Trump's appeal with blue-collar, rust-belt Americans could be enough to push him over the electoral hump.

Appearing on a special episode of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, Moore called himself a "buzzkill" and said that while the rhetoric at the RNC may seem absurd to him and his fellow guests on the show, he thinks it will resonate well with many Americans and could propel Trump to victory.

(Language warning)

It might have sounded crazy to us, but to millions and millions of Americans, this was music to their ears. And I think one of the things I’ve been concerned about this week, is that we’ve been sitting in, as you refer to it, the bubble. We’ve been sitting in our bubble, having a good laugh at this, as you said, sh-t show.

But the truth is is that this plays to a lot of people that he has to win to become the next president. I’m sorry I have to be the buzzkill here so early on, but I think Trump is going to win.

Moore also compared the Trump campaign to the surprise "Brexit" win in the United Kingdom. He said that middle America and the middle of the U.K. (who went hard for Brexit) were not all that dissimilar.

While Moore faced a barrage of boos, Maher stepped in to defend him and remind the audience that complacency would result in the Democrats losing the election.

This is certainly interesting. Michael Moore is the last person who I'd expect to say anything complementary about how the Trump campaign is going, but this election is certainly an odd one.