
The FBI is Livid About Bill Clinton's Secret Meeting With Loretta Lynch

After hearing of the secret, 30-minute long meeting between Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton earlier this week in Phoenix, Fox News is reporting FBI agents are livid as they continue to criminally investigate the Clinton Foundation for public corrupt and presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server to host classified information during her time as Secretary of State. 

Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge reported the latest this afternoon, noting that the Lynch-Clinton meeting may never have become public if a local reporter had not gotten a tip about it.

Herridge said that a well-placed FBI source described FBI agents as "livid" about Lynch's actions, saying it goes beyond just appearances.

Herridge explained that Bill Clinton is a potential witness because the FBI is separately investigating corruption allegations against the Clinton Foundation.

The FBI also expressed outrage when President Obama stated in an interview last fall that Clinton didn't compromise national security during her time at the State Department.