
Carson: We Need to Inform People About Hillary Clinton's Radical Hero

Washington, D.C. - Dr. Ben Carson gave the keynote address at the Faith and Freedom Coalition gala Saturday night to cap off the 2016 Road to Majority conference. In the retired neurosurgeon's fun, entertaining - and yet sobering - remarks, he warned the crowd he was not politically correct and that it was perhaps the characteristic that mostly closely aligned him with the eventual GOP nominee Donald Trump. Carson then tore into liberal policies and insisted that winning in November is as simple as informing the electorate.

A good introductory lesson, he noted, would be by magnifying presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's radical history.

"We need to inform people about Hillary Clinton's hero - Saul Alinsky."

Alinsky, a 1970s community organizer, wrote the book Rules for Radicals. It became a field guide for progressives regarding how to organize people to pursue liberal causes. As you open the book, Carson noted, you read that Alinsky "dedicated" it to Lucifer. 

Clinton was on a "first name basis" with the author in college, Carson explained. What's more, the Washington Free Beacon discovered previously unpublished correspondence between the two, revealing just how smitten Clinton was with his radical social agenda.

Clinton's progressive hero can help explain her dangerously far left plans for the country.

It's "distressing" Clinton wants to bring people into this country who want to harm us, Carson said, in reference to her support for the Syrian refugee program, which many argue lacks a strict screening process. Carson rejected the notion that our politically correct culture demands we allow everybody past our borders.

"That's a bunch of garbage," he said. "Do you take everyone in your house? We need to screen."

We should only be welcoming those who truly want to be Americans. If not, "they should stay where they are."

As for those who argue only 1 percent of those refugees want to harm us, Carson offered an analogy.

"If you have 100 people at a party and one was a terrorist, would you have a party? I don't think so."

Knowledge is power, Carson suggested. Conservatives may be logical thinkers, but if they can't communicate that logic, the White House will remain a Democratic stronghold.