
Congressional Campaign Promises to "Help Trump Build the Wall"

While most establishment Republicans say that Donald Trump will only hurt the party in future national elections, there is at least one potential candidate who believes differently.

Mike Pape, a Republican candidate running for Kentucky's first congressional district, released a campaign ad portraying illegal immigrants attempting to cut through a flimsy chain-link fence and cross the border into the United States.  

This appears to be the first television ad for a congressional campaign that tries to align a candidate with Trump and his policies.

“Once we are through, we will stop Donald Trump,” one of the actors says. “Si, Ted Cruz too,” the other man says. The third leans over and says, “And Señor Mike Pape.”


“Mike Pape, Mike Pape, the conservative running for Congress that will help Trump build the wall,” the actor wearing the “Stop Mike Pape” T-shirt says.

It would not be surprising if we start to see more campaign ads featuring the unconventional policies of Donald Trump.  From Louisiana to New York, Donald Trump has won the Eastern seaboard in convincing fashion.  Those states combined have over 100 congressional seats up for grabs in November.