
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Trump and Clinton Expected to End Victory Drought in NY

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are hoping to remind voters they are this year’s presidential frontrunners with their expected victories in Tuesday’s New York primary. The two have lost several of the last contests, allowing Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders to gain momentum. Meanwhile, John Kasich is grabbing recorders from journalists who are asking how he expects to win the nomination having only won one contest.

Republican Primary

Donald Trump: Trump’s campaign had a major shakeup this week when the candidate noted he wanted Paul Manafort and Rick Wiley to have more authority, giving them $20 million to work with in the upcoming 2016 contests. On Monday, the businessman told New Yorkers they can’t vote for Cruz because his “New York values” comments prove that he “hates New York.”

Ted Cruz: The media is surmising that Cruz has already conceded New York, considering his schedule has him campaigning in Maryland and Pennsylvania before the votes are even tallied in the Empire State. We all know how Trump feels about the Texas senator, but on Tuesday Rep. Peter King also made his ire for Cruz very clear by stating that he will “take cyanide” if Cruz becomes the nominee.

John Kasich: Kasich is benefitting from Rep. King’s hatred of Cruz. The congressman announced that he voted for the Ohio governor on Tuesday. On Monday, the Kasich campaign reported that the governor picked up a sizable amount of support in the race for Indiana delegates.

Democratic Primary

Hillary Clinton: Clinton is making headlines for claiming she carries hot sauce in her purse during a radio interview. When the DJ asked if she was just trying to pander to black voters, she asked, “Is it working?” She is faring better with another demographic, however. In a new survey of LGBT voters in New York, Clinton is the clear victor. The former secretary of state has lost the last eight contests to her opponent, meaning a win Tuesday is critically important for her to convince voters she is still the Democratic frontrunner.

Bernie Sanders: Sanders’ relentless attacks on Clinton’s Wall Street ties have kept the New York contest closer than it should be. Sanders is drawing thousands of supporters throughout New York City. The Vermont senator, who grew up in Brooklyn, insists the Empire State polls are understating his support. A large turnout on Tuesday, Sanders said, will guarantee him victory. Nationally, Sanders is quickly closing the gap. A new poll out on Tuesday reveals he is only behind by 2 points. 

Delegate Count


Trump - 744

Cruz - 559

Kasich - 144


Clinton - Pledged: 1,289; Super delegates: 469

Sanders - Pledged: 1,045; Super delegates: 31

Primary Schedule

Tuesday - New York primary (R/D)