
Rand Paul: 'GOP Primaries Aren't Rigged, But Biased Towards Establishment'

Rand Paul was on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Tuesday and made the point that while the primary process may not be completely illegal, it is biased in the favor of the GOP Establishment.

“No, I hear someone’s been saying they’re rigged,” Paul said. “I don’t think they’re rigged, but they are biased. And intentionally so.  

"Rigged would mean that it was illegal, that it was somewhat shady,” he added. “No, it’s done somewhat in the open. But they are biased in favor of the establishment.”

He reminded us of his father's 2012 campaign and how the Republican Convention completely failed to recognize any of his delegate wins.  

"Fox example in 2012 when my dad was running," he continued. "[The Establishment made] a special rule that said you couldn't win unless you had eight states. And then they didn't count his votes. But it is interesting now if you talk to all the Republican establishment, they are saying oh yeah, your votes can be counted."