
The Disqus Cometh

As some of you might have noticed, our comments section has been changed again. We have decided to switch over to Disqus, which is more user-friendly and cuts down on the deluge of spammers that often infested the comment threads. We did our best to delete and block spam accounts, though our efforts ended up being unsuccessful. With the new move, our comments policy remains in effect. Our moderators can and will ban people who violate our terms of service. Commenting on Townhall is a privilege, not a right. We also have the ability to shut down the commenting thread of a particular post if things become exceedingly nasty.

1. Membership in the Townhall community is a privilege, not a right. Abuse of any of the following rules can lead to a permanent ban from the Townhall commenting community, even on first offense.

2. Townhall relies, in part, on its own commenting community. Our community is incredibly large and diverse, and the community's ability to provide feedback with the comment flag buttons is very valuable.

3. Offensive language of any kind is not tolerated. We have a pre-screened filter for offensive language. Attempting to get around the offensive language filter makes a member of the community subject to a ban.

4. The following are not tolerated:

a. Off-topic posts

b. Business solicitation

c. Ad-hominem attacks

d. Repeat posts

e. Threats

f. Hate speech

g. Multiple accounts

5. Being a member of the Townhall community makes you subject to our Terms of Use agreement.

Just keep it PG-rated, folks. You can be passionate, even angry while commenting. As long as you don’t get out of control, using graphic language–you’ll be fine on Townhall. I know many of you had wished Townhall had moved to Disqus sooner. Well, better late than never. It is here to stay.

Here is the link to set up your Disqus account. Disqus will be in charge of confirming those accounts. Townhall has no control over this process. We just moderate. Your Disqus account is set up and customized by you. Enjoy and happy commenting.