
Triumphant Clinton Promises to Go Hard After ISIS (And Solar Panels), While Sanders Tries To Keep Revolution Alive

Clinton was flush with victory while addressing supporters in Seattle, Washington. The former first lady had just won the Arizona primary, where turnout for Democrats was higher than Republicans. CNN’s Dana Bash commented that this could be the first time we see the Trump effect on Democratic voters, especially Latinos, who came out in droves tonight. In past primary contests, Democratic turnout was considerably lower.

Clinton said to her supporters that they’re all part of something bigger than themselves, and that they’re part of one of the most consequential elections in America in years. She apologized to those who were unable to enter the gymnasium, but added that she saw the excitement on their faces.

She added that she was “very proud” to have clinched Arizona, but noted that this contest "isn't just a contest between candidates—it's between fundamentally different views of our country, our values, and our future."

She mentioned the ISIS-led terrorist attacks in Brussels, where the former Secretary of State mentioned "we need a president who can provide leadership that’s strong, smart, and steady. The last thing we need are leaders who incite more fear."

In a dig at the Republicans, especially Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz, she said "in the face of terror, America doesn’t panic or build walls or turn our back on our allies. This is time for us to lead, not cower."  She added that what Cruz and Trump represent is wrong and dangerous. This is a time for America to lead, not cower, according to Clinton. It was here that she promised a full court press on ISIS–and provide bountiful amounts of clean energy (yes, she included solar panels in her plan) - a fancy way of saying that she plans to take piles of taxpayer dollars and light them on fire.

To see her through to victory, she added that her supporters’ hard work and optimism is what she's counting on in November.

To the south, Sen. Bernie Sanders, visibly tired and hoarse, addressed his legion of supporters in San Diego, California, where the disheveled Democratic socialist thanked his supporters as well, even though he had lost the Arizona primary. He added that when his campaign began 10 months ago, he was 3 percent in the polls, and 70 points behind Hillary Clinton; he says he’s now five points behind. He talked about initially having no money and volunteers. Now, he is flush with millions in small donations and hundreds of thousands of volunteers.

Sanders mentioned how many viewed his presidential ambitions as a fringe candidacy, but 10 months later he has won 10 primaries and caucuses–and hopes to win a couple later tonight. He said we are telling the truth on the campaign trail, which isn’t always pleasant. One of those truths is that democracy isn’t a bunch of billionaires who can buy elections with Super PACs that protect the interests of the one percent.