
Apple CEO Reiterates Apple's Refusal to Unlock iPhones Used By Criminals

Apple CEO Tim Cook, speaking Monday at his company's live event to introduce a new iPhone model, reiterated why his company is refusing to create a "backdoor" for authorities to unlock encrypted iPhones. According to Cook, Apple believes that the nation has to decide how much power the government has, as well as that the iPhone is an "extension of ourselves." Cook is "humbled" by Americans' support of Apple on the issue.

Here's what he had to say:

While I agree that this issue is one that is particularly complex, I agree with Cook that it is a dangerous precedent for a government to force a company to create a tool to violate its own security features. iPhones are used for everything--banking, socializing, healthcare, and many other things--and it's unsettling to think that there could be a "master key" that's able to unlock features at a moment's notice.