
More Blue-Collar Democrats Switching Parties for Trump

I wrote a few weeks back that thousands of former Democrats in Massachusetts had switched their party affiliation to Republican or unaffiliated. I guessed that this was probably a good sign for the Trump campaign, and well, the numbers don't lie. Now, history appears to be repeating itself: In Pennsylvania, 46,000 people have switched their affiliation from Democrat to Republican.

Nearly 46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have gone Republican since the start of 2016, twice as many as have shifted the other way, as a wild primary fight continues to upend the business of politics as usual and challenge the status quo.

Needless to say, much of this movement is being attributed to the rise of Donald Trump and the so-called "Ditch and Switch" movement, which leans on lifelong Democrats to abandon the party, register Republican and help ensure Trump's place in the November general election.

A website launched by two North Carolina sisters calling on Democrats to switch political parties and embrace Trump says, "For many years the Democratic Party has promoted agendas that most Americans did not agree with. Our country is deeply divided, and the silent majority has been bullied into silence by political posturing and underhanded agendas that favor the few while excluding the majority."

Pennsylvania votes on April 26. The state has a closed primary. There hasn't been much polling out of the Keystone State, but Trump has a solid lead.