
Rubio Addresses Supporters After Third-Place Finish in Iowa

After finishing in third place at 23 percent in the Iowa Caucuses, just a point below second-place finisher Donald Trump, an elated Marco Rubio addressed his supporters with a passionate speech showcasing his hope for the future of his campaign and for the future of the United States:

In his speech, Rubio addressed the American dream, his hope for the future of the United States, and how Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are not qualified to be president of the United States. He also discussed how this election is a critical one to ensure that President Obama's various executive actions and policies do not become permanent, and so that the Supreme Court is not stacked with liberal justices for the next decade.

"When I'm our nominee, we are going to win Iowa, and we are going to win this election for our country."

Rubio certainly has a good reason to be optimistic. Despite polls indicating that Rubio would finish with 16 percent of the vote, he received more than 20 percent. That's huge. He will also reportedly be endorsed by South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott (R) at some point tomorrow, which is certainly a plus as the campaign focus shifts to South Carolina ahead of its primary on February 20. Rubio needed to deliver tonight in a big way, and it's appearing as though he came through.