
WATCH: Each Candidate's Best Answer From Last Night's GOP Debate

Rather than picking winners and losers from the final Republican debate before the Iowa caucuses, here are strong, memorable and poignant responses from each GOP candidate on stage in Des Moines -- excluding the "undercard" debate, which ABC News is reportedly going to kill off in New Hampshire. Iowans will caucus on Monday. The highlight reel, via Fox News:

Marco Rubio on the general election, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton:

"One of [Hillary's] first acts as president may very well be to pardon herself."

Ted Cruz on opposing ethanol mandates:

"I don't believe that Washington should be picking winners and losers."

Jeb Bush on the VA disgrace:

"People died, and only three people have been fired."

Chris Christie on DC squabbling and accountability:

"Stop the Washington bull."

Rand Paul on criminal justice reform:

"Something has to change. I think its a big thing our party has to be part of."

Ben Carson on truth-telling and problem-solving:

"You're not going to hear a lot of polished political speech from me, but you will hear the truth."

John Kasich on national unity and working together:

"An ability for us to set the tune as conservatives, but to invite other people in to be a part of that orchestra."

Donald Trump: [Footage Not Found]