
Dana Loesch Endorses Sen. Ted Cruz

Co-founder of the Tea Party movement and conservative firebrand Dana Loesch endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for president. In a statement released by the Cruz campaign, the Texas senator said he was thrilled to have Loesch in his corner.

“Dana is a fearless conservative who is not afraid to confront the liberal media bias head on…she is a passionate fighter for liberty and an important voice for conservatives,” said Cruz.

Loesch said that it was her intention to back the “most consistent conservative” running this year:

“As one of the original founders of the modern-day Tea Party movement, I watched grassroots conservatives support Ted Cruz’s David and Goliath success against Dewhurst and the Republican establishment. Cruz has fought to repeal Obamacare, shrink the size of government; he has defended our gun rights, our right to privacy, our sovereignty and borders. I personally feel that Ted Cruz is the best choice to reverse America’s road to ruin and am proud to support him in the 2016 Republican primary."

As the Iowa Caucuses begin February 1, Cruz has surged in the polls. But he still trails frontrunner Donald Trump. Yet, there are rumors that the polls don’t reflect what’s happening on the ground.