
Home Depot Co-founder: Everything That Comes Out of the Obama WH is Corrupted

Home Depot Co-founder Bernie Marcus offered a poor review of President Obama’s economic record. Ahead of the president’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, Marcus told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto that the Obama economy “is just not working,” CNS News reports.

"We see more small businesses failing than opening,” he said. “The middle class has gone down dramatically."

One of the reasons for the fragile business environment, Marcus has surmised, is the list of burdensome regulations ushered in by Obamacare. The president’s legislation has forced companies to halt the hiring process and slash current employees’ hours as a result of being forced to give their employees health insurance.

Two years ago, Marcus predicted that, without the shadow of the Affordable Care Act, he could have opened another eight stores.

No wonder he has little trust in today’s government.

“Everything that comes out of the White House and everything that comes out of the EPA, the Department of Labor, and the NLRB, and I hope not the FBI, but I certainly know that the IRS and everything else has been corrupted.”

Marcus said he’d be much happier if Obama spent most of his remaining months as POTUS on the golf course.