
Kurt Russell: Gun Control Won't Stop Terrorists

Hollywood actor Kurt Russell has had it with gun control rhetoric, and said just as much while promoting his new film, Hateful 8:

"If you think gun control is going to change the terrorists’ point of view, I think you’re, like, out of your mind,” he began. “I think anybody [who says that] is. I think it’s absolutely insane.”

“Dude, you’re about to find out what I’m gonna do, and that’s gonna worry you a lot more,” the actor continued. “And that‘s what we need. That will change the concept of gun culture, as you call it, to something [like] reality. Which is, if I’m a hockey team and I’ve got some guy bearing down on me as a goal tender, I’m not concerned about what he’s gonna do — I’m gonna make him concerned about what I’m gonna do to stop him. That’s when things change.”

Arguing back, Wells invoked the no-fly list, saying that the people on the list are there for a “good reason,” but that they can allegedly still “get [a] hold of a gun pretty easily.”

“They can also make a bomb pretty easily. So what?” Russell retorted. “They can also get knives and stab you. [What are you] gonna do about that? They can also get cars and run you over. [What are you] gonna do about that?”

When Wells argued back that the San Bernardino terrorists didn’t use cars, Russell fought back, saying that previous terrorists have used cars to murder people.

“But they’ve killed others that way, haven’t they?” he said. “Yeah, yeah. Whaddaya gonna do? Outlaw everything? That isn’t the answer.”

Earlier this week, many celebrities joined a PSA by anti-gun group Everytown that called for increased gun control. It's refreshing to see that at least one celebrity retained common sense and acknowledges that evil people won't be deterred by a gun law.