
Unreal: Mother of Paris Suicide Bomber Knew Son Was Radicalized, Argues He Detonated Bomb Because He Was "Stressed"

The use of suicide bombers by ISIS to carry out the worst terror attack on France since WWII was a shock to the Western World, but according to the mother of one of the bombers, her son "didn't mean to kill anyone" and simply detonated his suicide belt because he was "stressed." The family is also admitting to noticing radicalization and doing nothing about it. From the Daily Mail

The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.

Speaking outside the family home, the Abdeslam family claimed that they were ‘surprised’ that Ibrahim blew himself up near the Stade de France, even though he had spent time in Syria.

The family added: ‘We even saw him two days before the attacks. There were no signs that they has plans to do anything violent.’

The family admitted he had spent ‘a long time’ in Syria.

‘We were really surprised that Salah was involved. Ibrahim was different. We did see that he had been radicalised, at least in part. But not so much that we ever thought he would commit an atrocity like this.

We heard a similar excuse from the mother of Boston bombers Dzhokar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who not only argued her sons were innocent but said they had been set up to carry out their attacks with homemade pressure cooker bombs.

The family of at least one Paris suicide bomber knew their son had traveled to Syria, became radicalized and did nothing to report his activity to authorities. We're constantly screaming about the need for the Muslim community to speak out against Islamic terrorism, but with excuses like these, what's the point?