
Who Needs Jim Crow? Black Mizzou Students Self Segregate, Kick Out White "Allies"

The social justice warrior insanity at Mizzou keeps getting more bizarre and counter productive by the day. The latest development? Black protesters are self-segregating and even their closest white allies aren't invited to the circle. 

Oliver Darcy has more

Student protesters at the University of Missouri asked white supporters to leave Wednesday night in order to create a “black only healing space.”

Steve Schmidt, an activist who was at the protest, tweeted that Concerned Student 1950 group were “asking white allies to leave.”

Prominent Black Lives Matter activist Johnetta Elzie seemingly confirmed those with Caucasian skin were asked to leave the area, tweeting that the group had created a “black only healing space for the students to share, decompress, be vulnerable & real.”

Can these black students define exactly what a "white ally" to their cause actually is? Does being an "ally" require the embrace of self-segregation and racism toward whites? Can you imagine Martin Luther King Jr.'s reaction to this nonsense?