
Paul Ryan's Old Employer Congratulates His Speakership Victory

To celebrate the recent professional success of one of their former employees, Tortilla Coast made a cute tribute on their chalkboard:

America is a country unlike most others, and the election of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as speaker of the house is proof of this. Ryan, who is the son of a widow and used SSI survivor's benefits to pay for college, worked two jobs when he first came to DC: One on Capitol Hill, and another at Tortilla Coast, a Tex-Mex restaurant located near House offices. He was elected to Congress at age 28, and today ascended to the speakership. That's...pretty dang spectacular.

Regardless of what you may think of Paul Ryan, you have to acknowledge that in most countries, it's simply not possible for a person to go from being a waiter to being third in line for the presidency in just over 20 years. The fact that someone in this country can, and did, is amazing.

H/T Ben Goodman