The Obama administration may still be celebrating the fact they’ve gained enough votes to secure its nuclear agreement with Iran, but the rest of the country is not exactly smiling with them. Rasmussen Reports recently conducted a national telephone survey with 1,000 participants and the outcome was clear: They want the president to seek Congress’s approval before moving forward with the controversial and potentially dangerous negotiations.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 66% of Likely U.S. Voters believe any agreement the administration makes with Iran regarding the Iranian nuclear program requires the approval of Congress. That's nearly unchanged from July just after the deal was announced.Only 20% do not think the deal requires congressional approval, but another 14% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Echoing Americans' concern and providing specific complaints against the administration's handshake with Iran, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce announced a hearing Sept. 9 to further examine the deal.
“This agreement is fatally flawed. The Obama Administration has committed to providing Iran permanent sanctions relief from the U.S. in return for temporary and inadequate constraints on Iran’s nuclear program. It will permit Iran to launch an industrial-scale nuclear program after 10 years, continue to block international inspectors from its secret nuclear facilities, hide its past work on a nuclear weapon, and emerge with its record wiped clean. This hearing is part of a series to examine the nuclear agreement and discuss ways to mitigate the fallout from this bad deal.”
I guess he doesn’t buy Secretary of State John Kerry’s promise that the agreement is based on ‘truth, not trust.’
The president and his close confidantes need to deliberate with our representatives in Congress before putting the final touches on a deal that could have vast international implications. The American people demand it.