
'Funny or Die' Dares to Parody Those Very Serious Planned Parenthood Videos

It's not funny - and innocent lives are being lost. Yet, that's not at all what 'Funny or Die' had in mind when it chose to parody those very serious (and perhaps even criminal) Planned Parenthood videos, which have opened many eyes to the organization's pro-abortion agenda.

"The Shocking Truth About Planned Parenthood" makes a mockery of the Center for Medical Progress's under cover investigation into the organization. For context, the CMP has now released six videos to the public, revealing that Planned Parenthood employees are negotiating the sales of fetal body parts and sifting through aborted babies' organs as if they were conducting science experiments. 'Funny or Die' apparently thought this was perfect fodder for one of their skits.

In the parody video, a group of young women explain the "horrors" they felt walking into a Planned Parenthood clinic and being offered great advice about prenatal care, undergoing breast exams, and having to put on medical gowns.

“I was pregnant when I first went to Planned Parenthood. They led me down a narrow hallway into a little room filled with medical instruments, and they gave me great advice for prenatal care.”

The sarcastic actresses are also shocked to report that abortion is only 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's services. This is a a statistic, however, that even the liberal Washington Post has debunked.

Other media are reporting on the video as if it's just another silly SNL skit and questioning the authentic nature of the original videos themselves. TIME, for instance, said Funny or Die was simply offering a "perspective" of the Planned Parenthood controversy. 

The truth is, it's more than a controversy. The footage uncovered in the CMP's investigation should disturb anyone who cherishes life. Nothing can justify the scene of Planned Parenthood abortionists joking about selling tiny body parts or playing with them in a pie dish. CEO Cecile Richards is only further damaging their reputation with her bogus excuses that the videos are being unfairly edited by right-wing extremists.

One young lady in the 'Funny or Die' video referred to the pleasant clinic she visited as a doctor's office. If we are being honest, Planned Parenthood is not a doctor's office. Doctors are trained to save lives. Planned Parenthood, meanwhile, is the country's largest abortion provider - it destroys more than 300,000 lives a year.

Yes, 'Funny or Die' is a satirical website, but is this not tasteless considering the subject matter? 

As one YouTube commenter put it, "This is straight up propaganda, they're not even trying to be funny..."