
Fournier: The RedState Gathering is More Important than the GOP Debate

The first GOP presidential debate, hosted by Fox News, takes place this Thursday in Cleveland, Ohio. Pundits have been buzzing that it will be the most exciting debate in primary history. Yet, National Journal’s Ron Fournier believes the real party will be in Atlanta, Georgia this weekend:

For seven years, the RedState Gathering has brought leading conservatives together to voice and promote the values that have made this country flourish. Because of the approaching 2016 election, this year’s conference is especially important to voters who are concerned about the progressive direction the current president has forged.

In March, Fournier applauded RedState Editor-in-Chief Erick Erickson’s chosen theme for the Gathering. Instead of harping on how President Obama’s policies have affected the country, Erickson challenged the candidates to offer their own 2020 vision for America:

Though I am loathe to ever suggest a topic for speakers, I have asked each of the 2016 candidates to focus on one thing: if they become President, their re-election would be in 2020. I’d like them to present their 2020 vision for what the nation should look like after their first four years. We do not need Obama bashing. We need to know what they would do differently and how they would shape the nation. They should be elected not on their ability to bash the opposition, but their ability to sell a vision for the future that resonances with the base and the nation as a whole. We do not, right now, need a 50 point plan. We need to know what they see as the areas that need fixing and how their fixes will reshape the country.

It’s a positive theme that is sure to please voters. The conference is also building anticipation because the candidates will be free from those limited 90-second answers and will have more opportunities to stray from dusty talking points, especially with vibrant question and answer sessions following their speeches.

The RedState Gathering takes place this Friday and Saturday. Stay right here at Townhall for live coverage of the event!