
Audio: Mark Levin Torches the Left's 'End of Discussion' Silencing Culture

I may have mentioned once or twice that I've co-written a book with Mary Katharine Ham called End of Discussion, which addresses the escalating societal trend -- residing predominantly, but not exclusively, on the Left -- toward seeking to "win" cultural and political debates by preventing them from actually happening. The goal is to disqualify opponents by impugning their motives and using weaponized outrage to punish and silence those who hold 'unapproved' views. Radio talk giant Mark Levin welcomed Mary Katharine onto his nationally-syndicated program, resulting in a spirited conversation and a full-throated endorsement of our book from a man whom fans call 'The Great One:

Levin…isn't exactly known for eschewing the politics of outrage, but he generously praises End of Discussion as a "tremendous" and "outstanding" read "that couldn't be more timely," urging listeners to pick up a copy. At the end of their exchange, MKH assures Levin that we don't intend to succumb to the silencing mob, prompting the host to respond, "keep kicking butt," adding that readers don't have to agree with us on every issue -- "and that's the point." Indeed it is.  Thanks very much, Mark: