
BREAKING: Baltimore PD Denies Black Male Was Shot

Moments ago Fox News reported that authorities might have shot another man of color in Baltimore:

Baltimore police shot a man Monday in the same area where massive riots broke out last week over the death of Freddie Gray.

It's unclear what prompted the shooting. A Fox News crew witnessed a young black male running from police before he was shot.

Fox News reporter Mike Tobin was on-the-scene, and he told anchor Shepard Smith that he saw a man get shot.

“I saw a weapon on the ground,” he said. “I only counted one gun shot.”

Stay tuned for updates.

UPDATE: A local Baltimore police officer told Fox News no one was shot.

UPDATE: And apparently he was telling the truth.


UPDATE: No one was shot.

UPDATE: An eyewitness, however, claims a "boy" was indeed shot in cold blood.

Despite her testimony, the fact of the matter is no one was shot. So she's either lying -- or was confused by what she saw. Hmmm.