
Tsarnaev's Mom: "My Son Is The Best"

The mother of the two Boston Marathon bombing terrorists, one of whom was killed trying to evade capture and the other may soon be put to death, is on a public relations kick of sorts defending her surviving ‘baby boy’ and praising his honor and integrity. Please:

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s mother, Zubeidat, bashed Americans as “terrorists” Wednesday on social media for convicting her son — “the best of the best” — of 30 federal counts for the Boston Marathon bombing. A jury is now contemplating whether he will get the death penalty.

“I will never forget it. May god bless those who helped my son. The terrorists are the Americans and everyone knows it. My son is the best of the best,” she posted in Russian on VKontakte, a social media site, Vocativ reported. Her post was on “Support for Dzhokhar,” a group created on VKontakte by a family friend.

Well, no. As a matter of fact, your son is a condemned terrorist who was convicted on every single charge brought against him. Thirty for 30. And if he isn’t put to death, as some are hoping, he will likely rot in a prison cell for the rest of his miserable life.

Let’s not forget that Tsarnaev’s commitment to jihad left three innocent people dead, including a young boy, and grievously injured hundreds more. And while the city of Boston (my hometown) may have been shaken, it was never brought to its knees. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother failed in their quest to divide a city and intimidate a nation. In fact, they only brought Americans closer together.

I’ll leave you with this moving tribute video, which is a testament to the strength and resilience of the people of Boston: