
Senate Conservatives Fund: McCain 'Betrayed' Conservative Principles

The Maverick has announced his 2016 re-election bid for his U.S. Senate seat, which elicited a giant eye roll from conservatives. It’s no secret that the conservative wing of the GOP wants Mr. McCain gone–and the Senate Conservative Fund appears to fired the first salvo in that effort. In an email to supporters, SCF President, Ken Cuccinelli listed the reasons not to support the incumbent Republican:

There are few Republicans who have betrayed our conservative principles more than John McCain.

He wrote the McCain-Kennedy and "Gang of Eight" immigration bills that offered amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. He voted for the Wall Street bailout, to fund the implementation of Obamacare, for the $600 billion "fiscal cliff" tax hike, and to raise the debt limit 14 different times!

  • He's been in office too long and isn't listening to the people of Arizona regarding amnesty.
  • He has left his conservative roots and has become much more liberal in his voting record.
  • John McCain just needs to GO AWAY. He has been in Congress too long and HE is a major reason this country has an $18 trillion debt.
  • He's a RINO. He thinks true conservatives are "wacko birds."
  • If I wanted a Democrat in office I would vote for one, not a Democrat with an R after his name.

As the Hill  reported, the Club for Growth also said they might support whoever challenges Mr. McCain in a primary, but also mentioned that both Reps. David Schweikert and Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) are “eyeing a bid” to boot Mr. McCain.

Additionally, Arizona State Sen. Kelli Ward said she’s considering tossing her hat into the ring.