
Trey Gowdy: I Want Hillary on the Hot Seat

Hillary Clinton tried to clear up pressing questions yesterday about email-gate and didn’t do herself any favors. In fact, by refusing to be open and transparent, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) – who is chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi – now wants to bring her in for questioning. Yes, that kind of questioning.

Politico reports:

Following Clinton’s extraordinary press conference on Tuesday, Gowdy released a statement saying he wanted to have Clinton before his panel twice in the near future. Clinton would appear in private to discuss the email controversy, and then in public to review the Benghazi attack itself.

“Because Secretary Clinton has created more questions than answers, the Select Committee is left with no choice but to call her to appear at least twice,” Gowdy said in a statement. “The first appearance will be to clear up her role and resolve issues surrounding her exclusive use of personal email to conduct official business.” ...

After the private hearing, Gowdy said, Clinton will also be asked to testify at a public hearing that focuses specifically on U.S. policy in Libya and the security procedures the State Department relied on before and after the Sept. 11 attacks at the Benghazi compound.

That hearing — long in the works — will give Clinton a chance to address concerns that the State Department did not do enough to address lingering security concerns at the Benghazi complex and detail how the Obama administration developed a series of talking points used after the attacks.

Clinton’s rationale for circumventing protocol is certainly suspicious. But it remains to be seen if inviting her to testify will bring her any closer to releasing those subpoenaed emails if she accepts – or answering lingering questions about Benghazi, for that matter. Don't count on it.