
Zandi: Less Risk Than in Last 25-30 Years

The Labor Department said that 295,000 jobs were created in February and unemployment has moved down to 5.5%. Job creation came in much better than anticipated. And economic conditions in general caused Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody Analytics, to say: “While there are a lot of risks out there, it feels less risky than in the past 25 to 30 year. It feels really, really good out there.”

Now look, I often criticize economists for stupid predictions on the economy. But in this case I'll criticize Zandi for saying something just flat out dumb. He Is essentially saying that the country risk-wise is in better shape than at any time since 1986.

Remember that time when the Cold War ended and we had peace until 9/11 happened? It was probably a lot less risky then. We know economist are decorated predicting the future, and now we know at least one of them isn't great at history either.

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