
Saudi Arabia’s 600-Mile Long Anti-ISIS Wall

It seems Saudi Arabia is taking a page out of World War Z–or the Great Wall of China–concerning their latest defensive effort to repel ISIS’ advance. The Saudis are constructing a 600-mile long wall, dotted with motion sensors, twin chainlink fences, sand embankments, 38 communication towers, and 32 rapid response centers that will come with helipads. Welcome to Fortress Saudi Arabia (via the Telegraph):

The proposal had been discussed since 2006, at the height of the Iraqi civil war, but work began in September last year after Isil’s charge through much of the west and north of the country gave it a substantial land border with the Kingdom to the south.

The border zone now includes five layers of fencing with watch towers, night-vision cameras and radar cameras.

Riyadh also sent an extra 30,000 troops to the area.