
Landrieu: C'mon, My Fellow Democrat's Pro-Voter Fraud Advice Was Just 'a Joke'

Sen. Mary Landrieu has finally weighed in on the caught-on-tape call from a Louisiana Democratic official for supporters to commit voter fraud by casting more than one ballot in last month's election.  You'll be relieved to know that she's reviewed the tape and has come to the conclusion that her (refreshingly candid!) chief of staff's father was just kidding.  A local NBC affiliate addressed the controversy -- be sure to stay tuned for the decidedly un-amused reaction from average voters, and pardon the technical difficulties when the station attempts to playback Don Cravins Sr's problematic remarks:

"It was in a bar room.  It was, you know, on a stage. People were having a good time.  It seemed to me to be a joke."

Question for Mary: Was your chief of staff also joking when he promised that you'd keep on voting with Obama 97 percent of the time if re-elected?  He said so in that same bar room,where people were having a good time. Was that whole election eve rally just a big comedy show? For what it's worth, the elder Cravins now insists he was just joshin' around, rather than, you know, telling people to vote twice while assuring them that they'd avoid prosecution for doing so because of the Democratic District Attorney's lax stance on voter fraud.  Which is precisely what he says on the tape:

For good measure, Cravins also attacks Black Conservatives Fund for noticing his comments.  How dare they?  If you watched all the way to the end of the first clip, you'd see Landrieu comparing herself to Saints quarterback Drew Brees, warning voters against replacing her with clueless rookie Bill Cassidy (a mere medical doctor and Congressman).  The problem for Landrieu is that Brees is both good at his job and quite popular in Louisiana, among other key distinctions.  Oh, and Brees sure sounds like...a Republican.