
Mary Landrieu Getting No Liberal Love

As a vulnerable Democrat in a red state, Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu could use all the help she can get. Unfortunately for her, that’s not going to come from leftist groups, who have identified her as too much of a centrist.

The Progressive Change Campaign has spent over $1.4 million on candidates this election and not one of those dollars has gone to Sen. Landrieu. Adam Green, the campaign’s co-founder, explained why his group isn’t showing Landrieu any love:

“When it comes to Mary Landrieu, sticking with Big Oil is kind of the polar opposite of economic populism,” said Adam Green, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee’s co-founder.

They’re not the only ones ignoring her. Politico says national environmental groups, women’s organizations and unions are “barely lifting a finger” for her.

Despite the fact liberals are uninterested in her race, Landrieu still believes they’re on her side:

"I do not feel like I have been abandoned by anybody in the Democratic Party. I feel like the Democratic Party base is solid behind me,” Landrieu told reporters following an event at a local union hall. “Who else could you have more than Hillary Clinton…”

Clinton, however, was probably not the best person to cite, considering many progressives also see her as too moderate and are even urging Elizabeth Warren to run against her in 2016.

Can Landrieu win without these key demographics? In Louisiana, a candidate needs 50 percent of the vote for an outright win and to avoid a December runoff election. Landrieu has consistently failed to reach that number in the polls against her GOP challengers Bill Cassidy and Rob Maness, meaning a runoff is the most likely outcome tonight.

It’s clear she’s also not making friends with comments like these.

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