
In Other News: England Outlaws Half My Twitter Followers

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

City Council members in Minneapolis want to ban the term “redskins” when the Washington Redskins square off against the Vikings. (Because, unlike Washington’s team, the Vikings’ mascot isn’t some cartoonish caricature of an entire group of people.)

(Daily Caller)

Barack Obama explained that he’s “doing pretty good”, and that he “loves the work”… Now that we know how he feels about his golf game, I wish someone would ask him about the presidency.

(The Hill)

A Justice Secretary in England has proposed a 2-year sentence for anyone found guilty of “internet bullying”. So if you write something nasty about me on Twitter, you better not do it from England.


Monica Lewinsky says Drudge ruined her life… It couldn’t possibly have been life decisions that she made regarding President Clinton, a cigar, and the Oval Office.

(Truth in Revolt)

George Lucas (ya know: the guy that created an empire of Star Wars related products before selling the franchise to the multinational Disney corporation) hates corporations... However he appears to like their profits.
