
Wendy Davis Possibly Has Worst Campaign Twitter of All Time

Fresh off from her bizarro-land and near-universally hated advertisement that essentially accused Greg Abbott of hating the disabled (despite, you know, being a person with a disability himself), Wendy Davis' campaign has now thrown another Hail Mary pass in an attempt to remain somewhat relevant in the election by accusing Abbott of being in favor of a ban of interracial marriage.

Abbott's wife, Cecilia, is Hispanic. His first campaign ad featured his in-laws speaking Spanish, and pointed out that his wife would be the first Hispanic First Lady in the state's history if he were to be elected. The "poll tax" Davis' tweet refers to is Texas' voter identification law, which was approved by the Supreme Court yesterday.

Twitter reacted with appropriate (and somewhat amused) shock at the "desperation" of Davis' tweet:

Just another disgusting move from what has already been a disgusting (and poorly-run) campaign.

But fear not. The "best" may be yet to come:

Abbott has a 15-point lead over Davis in the latest poll.