
Actress Gwyneth Paltrow to Obama: I'm Concerned About Equal Pay For Women as a Working Mother

Last night Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow hosted a fundraiser for President Obama and the Democrats at her ritzy home in Brentwood, California. Paltrow is worth $140 million dollars and was raised in a rich, privileged family before making her way to the big screen. But that didn't stop her from classifying herself as a "working mother" concerned about equal pay for women, an issue Obama has been dishonestly harping on. 

Yes, I'm sure Gwyneth knows the struggle is real. Maybe she should voice concern over President Obama paying women in the White House less than men? Or maybe she should educated herself in order to understand the so-called pay gap between men and women is a myth

There is no evidence that women are routinely paid a fraction of what men make for the same work, or that discrimination drives statistical differences between men and women’s earnings.

The Department of Labor statistic underlying the “wage gap” claim simply compares a full-time working man’s median wages with those of a full-time working woman, ignoring the many factors that affect earnings, including number of hours worked, industry, years of experience, and education, to name but a few. When such information is taken into account, the wage gap shrinks, and in some cases even reverses.

To make things worse, Paltrow pretty much wants Obama to be king, which makes sense since she spends much of her time in England. 

Parting note from the Hollywood Reporter:

The actress introduced the President to a crowd of 200 supporters. She gushed: "You're so handsome that I can't speak properly." Paltrow also described herself as one of Obama's "biggest fans, if not the biggest."

H/T Twitchy