
Exclusive Poll: Paul Ryan Even with Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin

To see the full results of the Townhall/Gravis Poll, click here.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) would start off in a dead heat against Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin if the two decided to run for president a new poll of likely voters conducted for Townhall by Gravis Marketing shows.

Clinton currently edges out Ryan 47 percent to 46 percent with 8 percent undecided. 

Gravis also asked likely voters for their preference in the upcoming Wisconsin gubernatorial election and found Democrat Mary Burke leading Gov. Scott Walker 50 percent to 45 percent. That result is a bit of an outlier compared with other recent polling showing Walker inching ahead in the race. 

The Gravis poll also helps explain why President Obama was so eager to delay his imminent unilateral amnesty for illegal immigrants. An overwhelming 60 percent of likely Wisconsin voters oppose bringing illegal aliens into Wisconsin from the Mexican border.

It is not the same exact question as whether or not Obama should grant amnesty to illegal immigrants currently in the country, but it does show why Democrats are eager to avoid immigration issues this cycle.