
Issa: If IRS' Lois Lerner Talks to The Press, She Should Talk to Congress Under Oath

Yesterday POLITICO published a lengthy interview with former IRS official Lois Lerner, the woman at the center of the IRS' inappropriate targeting of tea party groups. Lerner has refused to testify about her role in the scandal and has plead the Fifth twice in front of Congress, maintaining that she has "done nothing wrong." 

In response to her interview, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa says if Lerner can talk to the press, she should also be talking to Congress under oath. The American people deserve answers. 

“The American people deserve the opportunity to hear Lois Lerner’s testimony under oath,” Issa said in a released statement. “If Lerner had nothing to hide and did nothing wrong in the IRS targeting scandal, she would have chosen to answer basic questions about her conduct instead of obstructing Congress’ investigation. Her decision to make unsubstantiated claims to a media outlet while claiming Fifth Amendment protections from answering Congress’ questions is telling. She appears to have great confidence that her allies in the Obama Administration will not consider legal action after she resigned and declined to discuss the IRS’ actions against private citizens.”

Lerner retired early from her position at the IRS last year with a full, $100,000 per year pension. She lives in a $2.5 million home and spends her days volunteering and gardening.