
Meet The Women Fighting ISIS in Iraq

Although U.S. airstrikes on ISIS in Iraq have helped to slightly push back the terror army, they're still on the march with no plans of stopping. As a result, an all-female battalion has prepared themselves to take on the brutal group should they advance in Kurdistan. More from the New York Post:

Hundreds of mothers, sisters and daughters have taken up arms and devoted their lives to protecting Iraq’s Kurdish population against the threat of the Islamic State.

Known as the women peshmerga of the 2nd Battalion, the group is made up of 550 female fighters led by Col. Nahida Ahmad Rashid, Barcroft reports.

The soldiers have not yet faced the Islamic State since the terrorists seized control of towns in Kurdistan, but the group has carried out in-depth exercises in the scorching heat of Sulaymaniyah to prepare themselves for battle.

or one mother who already has a 5-year-old daughter, even pregnancy can’t stand in her way.

“This is my duty, no matter if I am bearing a child or not,” the four-months-pregnant woman said. “If I am called to the front lines, I will go.”

Yesterday Fox News Contributor and Middle East Journalist Lisa Daftari talked about the women during a segment with Gretchen Carlson.

"I'm not afraid of them, they should be afraid of me."

Pretty incredible.