
Obama Spends 8-Minutes Mocking and Taunting Republicans For "Not Working With Him"

The President was speaking in Kansas City today and outdid his usual self with GOP mockery and taunting, and then asking them to work with long as they agree with his solutions. Here's just a sampling of quotes from this 7-minute clip:

  • "Stop hatin' all the time!"
  • "Stop bein' mad all the time!"
  • "C'mon and help out a little bit!"
  • "C'mon, let's get some work done together!"
  • "I know they're not that happy that I'm president but that's okay. C'mon! HaHa! I only got a couple years left. C'mon! Let's get some work done! Then you can be mad at the next president!"
  • "We act when congress won't."
  • They're trying to sue me! "Don't boo, VOTE!"
  • "They're mad cause I'm doing my job."