
Clinton Discusses 2016 Aspirations With People Magazine

In her first at-home interview since 2001, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed her aspirations for the U.S. presidency with People Magazine’s Sandra Westfall:

“I know I have a decision to make. But part of what I've been thinking about, is everything I'm interested in and everything I enjoy doing – and with the extra added joy of ‘I'm about to become a grandmother,’ I want to live in the moment. At the same time I am concerned about what I see happening in the country and in the world.”

She also told Westfall that the U.S. needs “to break down that highest, hardest glass ceiling of electing a woman president.”

Though Clinton has yet to make a formal announcement indicating a bid for the Democratic nomination for 2016, a shadow campaign has already been forming on her behalf. The super-PAC Ready for Hillary is diligently working to gain support for her, and college students are mobilizing all over the country to make her potential bid a success.

In light of Monica Lewinsky’s recent Vanity Fair essay discussing her 1990s affair with President Bill Clinton, the former First Lady briefly discussed her husband’s former mistress.

When asked if she regretted her 1998 statement referring to Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon,” Clinton said, “I’m not going to comment on what did and didn’t happen.” She also stated that she had not read Lewinsky’s essay, saying, “I’ve moved on.”

Republicans have expressed concern about Clinton’s health should she enter the presidential race. Clinton made a passing statement about her health in Denver the night before her interview with Westfall when she said that she has “a lot of resilience and a lot of stamina.”