
In Other News: Armed Robbers Ignore Another Restaurant's "No-Gun" Policy

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

The war on coal continues. Remember when President Obama said that his cap and trade restrictions would “necessarily” make energy prices skyrocket? Well… It’s nice to see he is keeping one of his campaign promises. (Fox Nation)

California marijuana producers are sucking the rivers dry, and polluting run-off water in their effort to produce the perfect weed. Given that the state is grappling with extreme drought conditions, some officials are sincerely concerned about the marijuana industry’s impact on farmers. Everyone else is too high to care. (The AP)

Sonic announced that it was going be the next restaurant to go “gun-free”. And then it was robbed. In the criminal’s defense, Sonic had likely not put up the “no-gun” signs by the time it was targeted by armed thugs… I’m sure that now since the signs are up, it will be clear sailing for the restaurant chain. (Breitbart)

A College fundraiser that involved coconut bras and grass skirts was deemed “racist” by school officials. It’s getting a little out of hand when you can’t have a luau without being called a racist. (I suppose we’ll be calling St Patrick’s Day racist next... Or do the Irish not count as a minority, because they're mostly white?) (Daily Caller)