
"Growing an Army": Last Push for Gosnell Movie Campaign

Christine wrote about the victory on Friday. Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney, the filmmakers behind Gosnell Movie, succeeded in raising $2.1 million in their campaign to make a film about late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell. This means that more people will know about his abortion clinic 'House of Horrors' after the mainstream media failed to dutifully report it. Now, having realized their initial goal, the Gosnell producers are moving the goal post even further. Here's the message they sent to supporters ahead of the last day of the campaign:

This last day is very important for the success of the Gosnell Movie. We want to have an army of supporters so that Hollywood and the media can no longer say there is no demand, no audience for a movie about Kermit Gosnell.

If you haven't contributed please consider doing it now at

If you have given already, we'd love you to get your friends and family to join this historic project, and we only want $1 from them. We currently have nearly 25,000 contributors but we NEED to grow this number. Please encourage your family and friends to give just $1 and add their name - their vote to the growing army of people who are demanding that the censorship stops now.

It's a win-win. You can help make an important movie and be a part of history. By contributing just $1, you can say you had a hand in exposing one of America's worst serial killers.

If you're still not convinced, consider how your donation can help to hold those accountable who didn't put an end to Gosnell's horrors. McElhinney explains how authorities heard about the abortion clinic atrocities, yet looked the other way: