
Lerner Pleads 5th AGAIN--All Hell Breaks Loose!!

Here it is in its entirety. Today was Darrell Issa's (R-CA) second attempt to get a testimony from former IRS Exempt Organizations Director, Ms. Lois Lerner. Lerner swears (again) to tell the whole truth and nothing but it, but as she's questioned about her IRS-led probe into conservative organizations, she pleads the fifth. Issa shuts down the hearing while Elijah Cummings (D-MD) tries to defend Lerner. Issa shuts off his mic and leaves the room. Cummings gets his mic back on and continues his defense of Lerner proclaiming that there was "no conspiring against conservative organizations" by Lerner's IRS. As Cummings spoke, Lerner appears breathless.

UPDATE: Here's the seven "best moments" from this morning's hearing compiled by the NRCC.