
Poll: More Americans Dissatisfied With Gun Control Laws Being Too Strict

According to new polling by Gallup, people are more dissatisfied with current gun laws than they've ever been before. The most recent spike in dissatisfaction comes from people who want more Second Amendment freedoms, not more strict gun control laws.

Americans' dissatisfaction with U.S. gun laws and policies has increased to 55%, nearly matching the high of 57% in 2001. Forty percent are satisfied, down from the historical average of 47% since Gallup began asking this question in this way in 2001.

This year, the gap between those wanting stricter gun laws and those wanting less strict laws narrowed as a result of a sharp increase in the percentage of Americans who want less strict laws, now at 16% up from 5% a year ago. Support for making gun laws stricter fell to 31% from 38% last January. The January 2013 poll was conducted shortly after the December 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting tragedy, which sparked some state governments to consider new gun laws and a robust national discussion about the issue.

Americans have become more dissatisfied with gun laws over the past year, but this is attributable to a greater percentage who say gun laws are too strict, rather than not being strict enough. Americans' changing views could set the course for future gun law debates and legislation.

These new numbers come after a series of studies were released last year, including a study from Harvard University,, showing gun control laws not only fail to reduce crime but in many parts of the country, help embolden criminals while punishing law abiding citizens.