Although Ted Cruz says he is focused on representing the state of Texas, the junior senator’s move to renounce his Canadian citizenship is fueling speculation of a 2016 presidential run.
The tea-party favorite said he only discovered he held dual American-Canadian citizenship after the Dallas Morning News reported it a few months ago. But he doesn’t want the issue to become an albatross — as it did for President Obama over his birth certificate when a host of sources, from politicos to Mr. Trump, questioned his true place of birth. So Mr. Cruz is taking a dramatic action.
“I have retained counsel that is preparing the paperwork to renounce the citizenship” with Canada he said, The Daily Mail reported.
Mr. Cruz said he expects the process will wrap in 2014. [...]
Mr. Cruz's citizenship has taken on especial importance in recent months as talk about the next presidential election simmers, and the Texas senator is thought to be a possible GOP candidate.
Cruz was born in Calgary and moved to America when he was 4 years old. He discussed the topic with Donald Trump last month, according to The Dallas Morning News, though “not in any significant respect.”