I appreciate CNN's intellectual honesty in bringing a strong Christian on their show to represent Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson. So far they've interviewed conservative talking heads who don't know how to argue from a strong Biblical worldview.
In short, Albert Mohler (president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) does an excellent job, most notably in pointing out that Phil himself put his sins in the same category as those who practice homosexuality: We all fall short of God's glory, of His perfect standard. No one is "good." We are are all in need of a Savior! But first we must acknowledge our sins for what they are--rebellion against God--and then repent and turn to God. Mohler's simply presenting Phil's rough communication style in a way that is not so crude. Both Mohler and Robertson are lovingly presenting Christ to ALL sinners--at the same time they are reminding us that if God calls something a sin, it is one regardless of what popular culture thinks.