
MSNBC Host: God Loves Obamacare

The Ed Show on MSNBC went a little too far this week when talking about Obamacare. Host, Ed Schultz takes questions from the viewers and this week, one snarky viewer’s comment was put on the air. One fan asked Ed if he would ask Michele Bachmann what God thought of the Affordable Care Act.

Schultz first said that he would never be hosting Michele Bachmann on his show. Then he continued to say,

“My first question would be about the uh possible ethics violation that she’s being investigated for…I’ll tell you what I think God thinks of the Affordable Care Act. It’s a big amen!”

This isn’t the first time Ed has referred to Bachmann’s belief in prayer and God. He has made fun of her before, but isn’t it funny that Mr. Schultz is in the minority here? 76% of Americans believe in God and half of those people say they have done something because God told them to. And according to Mr. Schultz, these people are laughable and crazy.

So then how did he know God said “Amen” to Obamacare? Watch the full clip below.