In what must be a blow to liberals and other proponents of Big Government, a study conducted by researchers at Harvard and Penn has found that cheating students are more likely than others to want government jobs.
The study was conducted in India, a country that ranks around the middle in perceived corruption, but the results have relevance to the United States. Here's why:
[O]ne of the contributing forces behind government corruption could be who gets into government work in the first place.
For instance, “if people have the view that jobs in government are corrupt, people who are honest might not want to get into that system,” said Rema Hanna, an associate professor at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
Over the past year or two, plenty of examples of government corruption have come to light right here in America, too:
We have learned that the IRS targeted certain Americans because of their political beliefs. At the same time, the IRS and the DOJ gave special advice to Democratic-leaning nonprofits on how they could campaign for Democrats without violating the law.
We have discovered that the administration lied about the reasons for the Benghazi attacks.
We found out that the EPA waives fee requests for friendly groups, but imposes the fees on groups it doesn't like.
We have been told that Americans who liked their health insurance could keep it -- despite private administration documents asserting the contrary.
We have been informed that the DOJ implied that a reporter was a criminal for reporting on classified information -- thereby allowing the government to tap his (and his parents') phones.
We heard the attorney general tell Congress that he had no involvement in the “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury -- but it turns out he signed off on the affidavit characterizing the reporter as a potential criminal and had to go "judge shopping" in order to get the subpoena he sought.
We read about the Secretary of HHS demanding "donations" from companies she might regulate to encourage the uninsured to enroll in ObamaCare (after first denying it).
We became acquainted with "Richard Windsor" -- the false name used by the head of the EPA to avoid congressional scrutiny. Hey, Jackson/Windsor even won an award for being a "scholar of ethical behavior"!
We all became investors in Solyndra -- the bankrupt firm owned by Obama backers which was generously funded by taxpayer money.
Given all these recent incidences of reported government corruption, is it too big a stretch to suspect that America's cheating students will be disproportionately attracted to government, too?