
CNN: AR-15 Was Not Used in Navy Yard Shooting

UPDATE: The FBI has confirmed Alexis did not have an AR-15 during the incident but instead had a shotgun.
"We do not have any information as this time Mr. Alexis had an AR-15."

According to CNN, Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis didn't use an AR-15 to carry out his rampage as previous media reports stated.

Last night on his show, CNN's Piers Morgan had a meltdown over the AR-15 and repeatedly misled and lied to viewers not only about the types of firearms used, but where they were purchased. Morgan claimed Alexis purchased an AR-15 legally in Virginia, which is completely false. Alexis did legally purchase a shotgun in Virginia after passing an FBI background check and then illegally brought it into Washington D.C. and into the Navy Yard.

UPDATE: I should also add that last night CNN referred to something as an "AR-15 shotgun." There is no such thing as an "AR-15 shotgun."