
Tough Week: Obama’s Approval Rating Hits Lowest On Record

This was a long time coming, no? Business Insider has the details:

President Barack Obama's approval rating has matched its lowest ever recorded in a new NBC News poll.

And huge drops in his foreign policy approval combined with poor marks for handling the situation in Syria are to blame.

Obama's overall approval rating stands at 44%. The only other time it has been that low in the NBC survey came at the end of 2011, after a bruising debt ceiling fight with Congress that ended in a downgrade of the nation's credit rating.

This time, the drop is largely due to foreign policy concerns. Only 41% approve of the way Obama is handling foreign policy, the lowest ever. Consider that just last December, 52% approved of the way he was handling foreign policy.

Meanwhile, Obamacare is a “train wreck” for many different reasons. The teen employment rate is nearing historic lows. Top secret classified information has been leaked. And of course, Syria is on fire and the president doesn’t seem to have a clue what he’s doing. A tough week, indeed.